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Show & Shine

The concours has 26 prices

  • - The Top 20
  • - The best of show
  • - 5 special cars (Rat, originality ....)

The winning cars will be selected by the organization jury.

IMPORTANT There is no need to subscribe in advance, the concours is open to all participants of the BUGSHOW. The jury will circulate around the campus without warning. The selection goes on from friday till sunday morning.

Are NOT participating : cars on sale, last year winners and professional cars (unless they are private vehicles). The little winning banners will be placed at last sunday morning on the winning cars.

The rewards will be overhanded on sunday during the lunch pause. Winners will have to be present with the car at the access of the strip at the "eau rouge". The reporters will have plenty of time to shoot pictures on the redillon as usual. Each car will receive its award in front of the tribunes.


In your car, join thousands of other vehicles for a memorable tour of the most beautiful circuit in the world



Saturday from 3:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

À la découverte du plus beau circuit du monde


Saturday : 10:30 to 11:50 and 1 pm to 3:20 pm
Sunday : 10:30 to 11:50 and 1 pm to 3:20 pm


Seat belts must be worn and you must follow the pace-car (it is fprbidden to overtake the pace car). Start at the Eau Rouge gate at the rear of the 24 hrs stands. On each lap you must exit the track at the F1 Pit lane.

Drive responsibly and fairly, keep your distance. This is not a race - it is JUST FOR FUN. JUST FOR FUN.

All participants must enter via the F1 Pit Lane then via the Paddock, at a moderate pace. A participant who breaks down on the circuit must approach his vehicle as close as possible to the safety rail and wait behind it so that the intervention service can recover it.

It is forbidden , to drive backwards, reverse, make a rear turn or stop to take pictures. You must not stop on the track.

Pit Lane speed maximum 50Km/h.

Paddock speed maximum 10Km/h.

In the case of an accident the security, recovery service and the Medical Doctor will come to the rescue.

Access restrictions

Only air cooled VWs with the necessary safety equipment items are allowed. The organisers will check the cars and if necessary can and will refuse access to the track.

Indemnity form

By the payment of his registration and purchase of bracelets the participant declares to have read the internal regulations of the BUGSHOW and to submit to them. It will cover any damage caused to the infrastructure of the circuit (buildings/ track, etc.).

Any contravention or infringement of the rules will result in an exclusion of the driver and the car.


Any damage caused by you or your car will be result in a charge and must be paid in cash.

Exemple : 1 sécurity rail = 200 €.

Inscriptions only on the spot as in the previous years.

200m DA


  1. Technical control is mandatory
  2. Helmet
  3. Safety belts installed 2 points min.
  4. No oil loose
  5. No play in the direction. Loosen parts
  6. Batteries fixed
  7. Nothing loose in the car
  8. No visible porche turbine
  9. No kids or dogs in the pit lane

3 categories

  1. M- aircooled less than 2 l
  2. M+ aircooled more than 2l
  3. Hybrid everything else

Saturday Morning 9h till 11h30

Technical check stand 25, attribution of a categorie and access to the race track. Rules TC, check here under.

Participants are responsible for all damages they do on the track and differents installations and also for the physical damage. The participants declare to drive with a car that is in a perfect technical state. Mandatory : safety belts and helmet. It’s forbidden to stop or park on the track.

Only air-cooled VW or derivate are accepted inside the paddock, T3 bus with air-cooled engines also. KIT CARS with a VW beetle base are accepted with any type of engine. Cars with the label PORSCHE are NOT accepted inside excepted the REPLIQUE CARS 356 and VW PORSCHE 914 (4 cal). The organization can refuse or accept a car, person or trader that not act within the spirit of the BUG SHOW.

The « stinger » exhaust or other illegal exhaust is not allowed. Only during drag racing and normal racing (max 103db).

Vehicles with a noise level in excess of 103DB are not allowed on the track. Testing is as follows: a measurement tool will be placed at 1m distance and at an angle of 45° from the outlet - and the engine will run at 75% of its capacity.

A ground cover sheet should be placed under the car when any mechanical work is performed in the paddock and at the camping.


Saturday 13h till 15h30

FREE RUNS with time registration , times & results end of the day.

Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Registration, technical inspection for new arrivals at stand 25.

Sunday 10h30 till 11h50 and 13h till 16h

FREE RUNS with time registration , times & results end of the day. NO qualifications and final runs, the end results will be taken out of the 3 best times of the day and this in each category.


ATTENTION, the pilot who would like to compete should at least have one run on Sunday.

Swap Meet

On the 1000 m2 of exhibitors, come find the missing part, the desired goodies or admire the work of professionals


These 2 X 1,5 hour on the circuit of Francorchamps is made for the discovery of the famous ring of the Ardennes by the amateur or experienced driver with driving licence ans his vehicle, and this only after registration.

These 2 sessions are strictly reserved to competitions cars (Vwaircooled ONLY) or widely modified and for experimented drivers, licensed or pilots who have sportive training. Each driver knows his car limits.


From 9 am to 10.30 am
On Sunday from 9 am to 10.30 am


5 points are stricly required to participate

  1. 4 authorized points roll bar.
  2. For buggys : 6 points and ratified.
  3. For V formula : roll bar behind the head is required !
  4. HBody harness or min. 3 points seatbeld (body harness is required for buggys !)
  5. Safety helmet


  1. Access to the circuit will be through the gate of Eau Rouge , behind the stands. At the end of each session, the red lights at the marshals' place will be lightened and red flags will be shown.
  2. Drive responsibly and fairly, keep your distance. This is not a race - it is JUST FOR FUN.
  3. In case of danger or on simple demand of the security, all the participants will have to leave the circuit immediately through the pit lane (Coca Cola tower) and the paddocks, at slow speed. In case of breakdown, the driver should try to bring his car as close as possible to the barriers and wait behind them until the end of the session so that the security service can collect him.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to drive the opposite way on the circuit, to go backwards or to stop even to take pictures ! Don’t just stop on the circuit !
  5. Pit Lane speed maximum 50Km/h.
    Paddock speed maximum 10Km/h.
  6. In case of accident only the vehicles of the security service with on board the medical crew, the equipment and the doctor may enter to circuit to intervene.

Conditions for access to the racetrack for pilots

  1. First, being registered ONLY via our website.
  2. Driving licence (B)
  3. Maximum 2 persons per vehicle
  4. Safety helmet.
  5. fastened seatbelt.
  6. Following a new enforcement system (track stewards and tow truck) there will be a fee of 140 € additional participation (in addition to your right to normal entrance, see participants price) whether for one or two sessions. Payable at time of registration on the website. Upon receipt of your payment you will receive confirmation with your registration number. Registration and Payment Deadlines: On June 30, 2024

Conditions for access to the racetrack for the co-pilot

  1. Being registered and signed discharge in stand 45.Therefore, he will receive a wristlet.
  2. Being 16 years old (minimum).
  3. Pilots and co-pilots must have their wristlet before the access to the circuit !

Access restrictions

  1. All vehicles must either be air-cooled VW. Unacceptable vehicles: Monospace, Motor-home, Van, “less than four wheels” vehicles.
  2. The only exceptions are vehicles invited by the organisation.
  3. A technical control will be done by the organisation to be sure that the vehicle is in order concerning the security. Otherwise, the organisation can deal him out of the session.
  4. Vehicles with a noise percentage of 103 DB are not allowed on the track.

Racing conditions

  1. The first lap will be done with the pace car in front of the different groups.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to overtake the pace car.
  3. A briefing will take place in stand 45 for pilots at 8.30 am.

The organisation can not be held responsible

  1. All pilots and co-pilots must sign a discharge in stand 45.
  2. The stand 45 will be open at 8.00 am.
  3. Any contravention or infringement of the rules will result in an exclusion of the driver and the car.


  1. Each participant who settled in the paddock is obliged to have a tarp under his vehicle to avoid dirtying the bitumen in case of loss of oil or other.


  • You are supervised by the professional security team with doctors, ambulance, track stewards, intervention vehicles, tow truck and camera staff. Each participant could get the advantage of his pilot skills to his friends (if they have a wrislet and is minimum 16 years old !)
  • The number of vehicles by session is limited to 50. The organisation reserves the right to refuse registrations.
  • Any damage caused by you or your car will be result in a charge and must be paid in cash.
  • The amount of damage being encrypted directly by the circuit in the event of non-payment the vehicle will be impounded. Example : One security rail= 200 €

For children

  • Bouncy castles
  • Face painting
  • The Circuitsp'Adventure which takes you on a walk along the red waterfront with its sports and games course.