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Swap meet – Exhibitor stand


information on prices and reservation Swap Meet – Stand only via online forms.

Contact: Arnaud and Sandrine

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Sold out


  1. The F1 standkeepers will be allowed in their stand as soon as it has been emptied en checked.
  2. Swapmeet participants will have to stay at the spot that the organisation will give them. They will NOT be able to choose anymore.
  3. A partir de 20h, les exposants au sol (swap meet) seront autorisés à s’installer. L’espace situé devant les box sera dès lors + difficilement accessible. Les exposants sont tenus de respecter les injonctions des organisateurs et de décharger puis déplacer leurs véhicules au + vite
  4. A state of the stand will have been done before, but the standholder will be asked to check it before installing their stuff. Everything that is broken or any problem must be returned to the organisation ASAP before installation. Each standholder is responsible of any damage or problem during his stay in the stand.
  5. It is forbidden to use nails, screws, glue or any damaging mean to put things on the wall, doors, ground…
  6. It is forbidden to put anything (flags, publicity….) on the racetrack infrastructure.
  7. If you see an oil spill, tell it quickly to the organisation so they can remove it. If you do not do it, you will be sanctioned at the end of the meeting.
  8. Certain things can not be sold during the WE ( weapons, knifes, fist irons, base ball bat, drones, food en drinks.) These things will be removed and given back on sunday evening.
  9. The organization will sease the forbidden goods and return it on Sunday evening.
  10. The stands and swapmeet must be empty at 17h30 on sunday. It is allowed to sleep in the stands and in the swapmeet vehicles as long as you respect the other sleepers between 24h and 7h. (no loud music and hard talking…)
  11. The rear door in the F1 Stand must remain closed, you are not allowed in the Pit Lane.
  12. The space outside the F1 Stand that a standholder takes will be envoiced at the same rate as the swapmeet attendants. You can’t install outdoors if you did not make a reservation first.
  13. A space of 4m must be free between the stand door and the Swapmeet area, this is an emergency vehicle passage and this during the whole WE.
  14. No vehicle is authorised to drive around on the swapmeet area between 8h an 18h. If you must, your car should be parked at the violet parking before.
  15. For the swapmeet, the surface used for trading will be due to payment. The space used by your vehicle will not be charged.
  16. It is not allowed to make fire on the ground. The BBQ on a foot can be used as long as it is stable and the smoke does not makes problems with your neighbor.
  17. Violation of these rules can result in an expulsion from the Show. The organisation can amend these rules at any time.

Advertising Price

¼ page A4

  • 2 entrées vip (accès mezzanine)

340€ HTVA

½ page A4

  • 2 vip entries

430€ HTVA

1 page A4

  • 4 vip entries

640€ HTVA

Information and reservation available soon online